Bulletproof Coffee – Fat as Fuel and the World Biohacking

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Fat used to be considered almost a four letter word when it came to your diet. Biohacker and New York Times bestselling author, Dave Asprey is trying to change that one cup of coffee at a time. This is not your typical cup of coffee, it takes some grass-fed butter and some Bulletproof Brain Octane Oil to make it complete and give you something that will change your morning routine forever.

If you have not heard of Bulletproof, it has become a bit of a lifestyle for many and it began on a mountain in Tibet when Dave was 18,000 feet up and low on energy and he was given a cup of yak butter tea. The drink energized him and from there he decided to research why this combination worked and how could he recreate it. From there he perfected his Bulletproof Coffee which is his, carefully curated Bulletproof coffee, grass fed butter and his Bulletproof Brain Octane Oil. Dave sought out to change his own body and reverse his ailments and he not only shared his story and knowledge with his best-selling books and popular podcast, but he also opened up Bulletproof Coffee shops and now the Bulletproof Labs.

Bulletproof Coffee is a process and it starts obviously with the coffee. With Bulletproof Coffee there is no need to worry about the beans or their quality, it is a truly clean coffee, certified to be free of 27 performance-robbing toxins and is a single-origin coffee grown at high altitudes. You simply brew your coffee, add some grass-fed butter or ghee along with Bulletproof Brain Octane oil, blend and drink. This early morning drink will help to power your brain and body and give you steady, all-day energy. If you are in a rush, there is also single-serving Bulletproof Coffee Cold Brew Original, Mocha and Vanilla that already have grass-fed butter and Brain Octane oil in it. Bulletproof also added a version that includes collagen protein.

If you are not familiar with Bulletproof Brain Octane Oil it is a brain-boosting fat, extracted from the most potent part of the coconut, that is converted into brain-fueling, fat-burning ketone energy. Dave developed this to work more efficiently than MCT or coconut oils that contain Lauric Acid. The benefits, you will have increased brain power, long lasting energy, it will help cut your cravings and it just leads to a healthier body overall.

Dave and his Bulletproof is a big fan of collagen and of the benefits that if provides and he has incorporated it into his tasty and healthy collagen protein bars that come in a wide variety of flavors. Each bar has 12g of protein along with quality fat from Brain Octane®, they are gluten free and made with collagen protein from grass-fed cows.

Bulletproof Coffee is certainly something that would benefit anyone and it will change the way you view coffee and fats. If you are looking to dip your toe into the world of Bulletproof you can try the coffee and work your way up to from there. In addition Dave has written books and if you are looking to find out more you can visit the Bulletproof Coffee Shop or his recently open lab that will change the way you view working out. It is all about living best life and living as long as possible.

For more information, visit: Bulletproof

(Photos and Video Courtesy Bulletproof)


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