Thank you so much Stacey for taking time to do this interview! Before we dig in, congratulations on your new book “How A Gangsta Rapper Made Me A Better Mom”. Tell us more about that project and what inspired it?
Thanks so much. In a nutshell, I went from a PTA stay-at-home mom taking a long hiatus to raise my 4 kids, to writing and recording over a dozen top ten songs and then, collaborating with Snoop Dogg. That was quite life-changing for me. Needless to say, loads of reality series contacted me to be on their shows but it was a definite hard “no” from the family.
So, a friend of mine who produces scripted television said he would option my story if I wrote “the book”. So, venturing out to write the story “inspired” by my journey was quite daunting but I’m really proud of it and thrilled that it’s been so well-received so far.
Can you share with us the backstory about what brought you to your specific career path?
My crazy journey began over 15 years ago when one of my songs I did for a music for youth charity got remixed and there I was sitting between Lady Gaga and the Scissor Sisters in the charts.
When I wanted a rapper on another record I wrote, I thought I’d just revisit one of the up-and-coming kids for the charity but my manager at the time was like “Stae, you already have a hit song, I can get to snoop, he will love you, he will love this song, and he will love your story.” I’m like, “Snoop Dogg? What the heck are you smoking Steven?” But no joke, he was right, and five days later I was on a plane to Boston to collaborate with one of the most famous rappers in the world.
Can you share the most interesting story that has happened to you since you started working in the entertainment industry?
Sometimes you never know where life will take you. I suppose having worked with Snoop Dogg is definitely up there on my list. I mean sitting in the room together just bonding over life events – discussing our kids, and what’s important to us and believing in yourself – that it’s never too late to live your dreams was all surreal.
Are you still doing your podcast? Tell us more about that and what it means to you?
No, I really miss it, though. I’m obviously focussing on the book at the moment, but I really loved doing the 3 seasons of “Stacey Jackson in the 80s”. I remember writing and researching for the episodes, and it really came so easy as if the 80s were like yesterday for me. I wrote and presented 54 episodes which aired on sky music’s spotlight (now called music and memories).
Are you working on any other exciting new projects? What is next for you?
Ooooh, I am on a tour around the UK this summer for my new album. In fact, we just auditioned the dancers for the show as we start rehearsals, and I was beyond gobsmacked (and seriously chuffed) that over 160 dancers turned up on the day to audition. Thank God I have a great choreographer because they were all amazing but obviously, I can’t take 160 with me! Plus in between the shows I have to finish up recording the audio book for How A Gangsta Rapper Made Me A Better Mom which will be released later this year.
Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?
Definitely Steven Machat, who opened the door for me with an intro to Snoop Dogg and I seriously did not believe him when he said Snoop would love to collaborate. But I’d probably also say my family. It wasn’t an easy decision to take the sort of risk at 40 to try to break into an industry that’s notoriously ageist. But I had so much love and support from my husband and my kids who were my cheering section (most of the time haha!)
From your experience, what are a few ideas that we can use to effectively offer support to others who want to work in the music/entertainment industry.
Get to know your audience and keep engaged on socials. Also, if you’re an independent artist – try to understand how the business really works as much as you can. Be detailed with information, writers’ splits, publishing info, performance rights all that important admin stuff. It’s essential you stay on top of that. Your art is your business. Also, be careful with whom you choose to surround yourself with… it’s one thing to have mentors and people to hold your hand and guide you through the process – it’s another when they take advantage of you.
Can you please give us your favorite ”Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?
I’ve been singing a bunch of mantras these past few years. But probably “it’s never too late to live your dreams” would be the most relevant to my journey.
How can our readers follow you online? or @staerox on all social platforms
My book How A Gangsta Rapper Made Me A Better Mom is on Amazon: