Not many people can say they love what they do for a living. Today I am speaking to a man that is lucky enough to be able to live his dream, actor Alex Low. Read on as he shares his journey in becoming an actor and his future goals.

Hello Alex thank you for taking the time out to speak with me. Take me back to the day you decided you wanted to become an actor. What inspired you?
My earliest memory of wanting to become an actor probably traces back to when I was younger and saw the film “Nacho Libre” starring Jack Black. I remember just laughing so much at him and the film and seeing how much fun he was having and thinking I wanted to do the same. He has been a big inspiration of mine and he was definitely the one that sparked my initial interest.

What has been the most challenging character you have played?
I don’t really want to say that there has been one character that has challenged me more than others. Each character I have played has their own unique challenges and that’s what keeps acting so interesting to me. The character develops over time and you never really know the journey it is going to take you on, and what about it is going to frustrate you along the way.
What have you learned about yourself as an actor?
Acting has been the tool that has helped me develop myself most as a human being. While in theatre school at Syracuse University I learned so much about how acting could develop and inform my overall humanity and persona. Through my movement curriculum I learned so much about my spatial and body awareness and how I carry myself day to day. I truly think that through learning about acting you learn about how to improve and further develop yourself spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.
What is the most rewarding part of your career?
For me, the most rewarding part is all of the people you come into contact with. There is this exchange of energy that happens with the work that is truly magical. The relationships you develop and the energy you exchange is something that can’t be replicated elsewhere. Every film I do is a hyper-unique experience that always feels rewarding for its own unique reasons but each set shares the same humanity of the unique individuals you come into contact with along the way.
You are also a Kundalini Yoga and Mediatation teacher. What made you decide to get your certification to teach?
I decided to get a certification because at the time I had been practicing for four years and was already leading some morning 4am yoga sessions in my hometown. I thought since I already had the knowledge it would be nice to get certified so I could teach classes if I wanted to and nobody would question my qualifications.
How has teaching influence your craft as an actor?
I wouldn’t say teaching has necessarily influenced my craft as much as yoga and meditation have. My mentor Felix Ivanoff comes from the Vakhtangov Theatre School in Russia and has developed his own system similar to that of Michael Chekhov. I realized while studying with him that the concepts of developing and strengthening an aura and using energy were things that didn’t just apply to yoga and meditation but could apply to my process and the way I approach my work as an actor as well. I could use this energy I was developing in my acting work and that opened up a lot of doors for me in the way I understand my process by realizing that the work I was doing with Kundalini Yoga and Meditation could directly translate into my work as an actor.

If you could be one age for the rest of your life what age would it be and why?
I think I would be the age I am at right now, 24. I am not really one to dig up the past, and who is to say what the future will hold so I’d rather “Be Here Now” as Ram Dass would say and focus on the present moment.
If you can change one thing in the world what would it be?
I’m not really sure how to solve this problem but if I had some sort of magic wand I would like to stop overfishing on a global scale. Overfishing is what will lead to the eradication of the oceans ecosystem and is what I believe will eventually lead to our environmental downfall. It would be nice to stop overfishing and leave our environment and our planet in a much better place.
Are there any new projects you are working on?
Right now I am working on a clown and physical theatre piece and writing a series of short films and plays.
Thank you for your time. Any words of wisdom to all the readers?
David, I will leave your readers with a quote from Terrence Mckenna that I love and cherish dearly. “You are a divine being. You matter, you count. You come from realms of unimaginable power and light, and you will return to those realms.” – Terrence Mckenna
Thanks for speaking with me today!
Photos are courtesy of Alex Low
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